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New Students

Welcome! All of our classes are beginning and we explain everything. To sign up for a class go to our website schedule and hit “sign up”.

Intro Specials:

$59/month unlimited or $59 for 5 class card


Therapeutic Guided Meditation

Come join Irina for a truly unique journey of self exploration and connection that will leave you feeling changed. Irina uses a method of “Intuitive Exploring”, where she custom designs sessions for the recipients, which creates magic with others in a meditative state. No two sessions are the same. It is something to try out experientially, in order to truly understand its benefit. Come try it for yourselves.

I heal with word. I do. That's what I have come to realize over the years and through much consistent feedback from my family and friends, who were the recipients of my "magic". I was hesitant to harness this gift at first and now I love to share it with the world.

I developed my own method of "Intuitive Exploring" that I apply with my clients. I came to this practice through the craft of acting and I quickly discovered how meditation ended up becoming my tool to self exploration and connection. Co-creating with others in meditative space is one of my favorite journeys, as each is so unique.

I am passionate about this work and here are some reasons why I love it:

  • It fulfills me, when I give of myself in a way from which others benefit.
  • Life is super stressful nowadays and we can all use a little help in diffusing that stress as much as possible.
  • It's a collaborative process where both the recipient (you) and the giver (myself) engage in energy exchange and are mutually and positively changed by the process as a result.
  • It is an intuitive process, no scripts, no premeditated agenda.
  • No two sessions are the same. The beauty is in the moment and the discovery of what the moment reveals.
  • You get to delve deeply into your most inner self, get to know yourself and invest in the most intimate relationship in your life - the relationship with yourself.

Come join me on Sundays at 1:15 in the loft and experience YOUR magic. The group session will last between 45 min to 1 hr.

Group sessions are $25.00 per person. Venmo/Zelle

Contact me directly, if you'd like to schedule a one-on-one session with me. (303) 523 6450

For testimonials you can visit my page:



Intermediate Bikram Yoga

Want to have some fun trying the crazy postures? The Intermediate Bikram class is like the Beginning class with lots of fun and challenging added postures. Monica shows you step by step how to warm up and get into the more advanced postures.

The Intermediate Bikram Yoga class is a 90 minute session where we practice the 26 postures from the Beginners class with added sequences to prepare the body for more advanced poses. This class is for everybody who has a regular Bikram Yogapractice.

in the Hot Room with Monica


New Hot Pilates Class!

By popular demand a evening Hot Pilates is here!

Wednesday 8:15 pm

with Angela

In the Hot Room and on Zoom


Yoga Nidra

Come try out the amazing, systematic practice of moving awareness from our external world to the inner world. Yoga Nidra brings us to a state of deep sleep where our senses, intellect, and mind relax. Zero work is required. Bring your pillow and get guided just to the edge of sleep.

in the Loft with Neil


More 30 Minute Warm Yin Sequences Added!

Come in for a respite from the world by coming in for a rejuvenating, relaxing Yin sequence in the warm room.

Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:05

Saturdays at 1:05

in the Hot Room


For in studio classes you can sign up online, or just come to class 15 minutes early to sign up.

Never fear Zoomers! We will continue to offer a full Zoom schedule indefinitely, and most of these studio classes will be available on Zoom as well.


Bikram Yoga

A magical series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises that will change your life. Designed for first timers, but this class is forever challenging. It's a full body therapeutic healing workout that mostly calms your brain.

Bikram yoga offers a wide variety of benefits for both your mind and body. It can help you burn calories, build bone density, boost your cardiovascular fitness, and improve your flexibility. It may also help ease depression and reduce stress.

Sunday 8, 10 and 4:30

Monday 9, 4:30 and 6:30

Tuesday 6:30, 9 and 4:30

Wednesday 6:30, 9, 4:30 and 6:30

Thursday 6:30, 9 and 4:30

Friday 6:30 and 4:30

Saturday 8, 10 and 4:30

In the Hot Room and on Zoom


Vinyasa and Hot Vinyasa

In Vinyasa the poses are connected together smoothly, very much like a dance so that you flow from one asana into the next, seamlessly, using breath. Vinyasa classes offer a variety of postures and no two classes are ever alike.

Hot Vinyasa in the Hot Room with Yu: Tuesdays 11:00 and Fridays 9:00 am

Vinyasa in the Loft with Yu: Tuesdays 4:30


Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is based upon the Chinese Taoist principles that there are 2 universal forces: Yin and Yang, meaning a balance of opposites. Yin yoga focuses on the deep connective tissue through a slow, cooling practice. The goal is not to “stretch” but to “stress” the connective tissue between the muscles and fascia. Yin yoga is therapeutic for the joints and helps with flexibility and mobility.

When tension is balanced with equal amount of relaxation, the body creates a healthy immune system and functions optimally.

Sunday 10:00

Thursday 4:30 pm

in the Loft with Neil


Hot Pilates

Cre­ates long lean mus­cle mass, burns fat, and increases fit­ness lev­els. It cre­ates a stronger core, improves cir­cu­la­tion, and increases flex­i­bil­ity. It is per­formed on a yoga mat mak­ing it zero impact, pro­tect­ing your joints and mus­cles from the pound­ing of other exer­cises like run­ning and jumping.

Sunday 12:00

Monday 6:30 am and 3:00 pm

Tuesday 6:30 pm

Wednesday 11:00 and 8:15 pm

Thursday 11:00 and 6:30 pm

Friday 11:00 am

Saturday 12:00


Your Home Studio for Zooming

To create the perfect Bikram yoga environment for your home yoga studio, the goal is to get close to 105 degrees/40% humidity. If you have more humidity you can have less heat. Or you can do the class in the AC! That works too.

For authentic Hot Pilates the room should be 95 degrees.

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